our people
key asset
a key asset
DEC's main strength is its workforce of men and women who strive daily to understand our customers' needs and provide them with effective and innovative solutions. Because our customers differ in terms of business, strategy, geography and size, we have developed a decentralized organization that allows our teams to act independently, grow closer to our customers, better understand their needs, and take local initiatives. Like our customers, these teams are multicultural and "multi-skilled".
a highly motivating professional environment
DEC works hard to reward its employees and help them develop their careers. Our career management policy allows all employees to broaden or further develop their skills in a highly motivating, professional environment.

The DEC team is made up of people from different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, and languages. This diversity allows us to communicate seamlessly with our valued customers: we are able to understand and appreciate their unique needs and perspectives, which helps us to provide them with the best possible service.
development & enhancement
The development and enhancement of its employees, the protection of health and safety, the creation of a positive working environment that offers equal opportunities to everyone based on merit and without discrimination, the development of professional and managerial expertise, the involvement of employees so that they can actively contribute to the processes of improvement are essential components of DEC's heritage. Encouraging the development of our employees, developing their skills and expertise, acknowledging merit and establishing responsibilities are the main objectives of DEC's management and development model. Our people are highly skilled, educated and motivated to safely operate our plants and business efficiently. We value our people as our key asset and therefore seek to optimize the potential of each and every employee.