Solvent Recovery Unit | vacuum regeneration (T+VSA) | DEC.VRU™
DEC.RTV™, Vacuum Recovery Units are based on activated carbon adsorption, with desorption combined by hot inert gas (N2, nitrogen) and vacuum regeneration (T+VSA process): the ideal VOC treatment technology for recovering solvents for low SLA volumes, ideally with steady medium-high concentrated VOC streams, discharged from storage tanks, vents, ships, railcars or truck tankers.

Solvent recovery systems, based on activated carbon adsorption, vacuum regenerated, are using a core technology which has been proven in thousands industrial applications, treating variable volumes of gaseous effluent (typically 500 ÷ 15.000 Nm³/h); the regeneration of the adsorption media (activated carbon) is made under vacuum [coupling different processes as TSA (thermal swing) + VSA (vacuum swing), under hot N2 (nitrogen)], determining this process to be ideal for the recovery of low SLA (volumes) and steady medium-high concentration VOC streams: in case of different applications (for size and/or concentrations), take a look at the inert gas (nitrogen, N2) regeneration process DEC.RSG™ or the steam regeneration process (DEC.RSV™) or alternatively cryocondensation process (DEC.RSC™).
The solvent recovery unit is composed by two or more activated carbon adsorbers which alternate the adsorption and regeneration phase. The Solvent Laden Air (SLA), once treated (filtered and conditioned), passes through the activated carbon bed of the adsorber that is in the adsorption phase: the carbon adsorbs the solvent and the air deriving from this process is cleansed. In the next phase, we start desorbing the solvent under high vacuum.

Thanks to an efficient solvent condensation system, the recovered product is sent back to production tank(s). Non condesible stream is recycled back to adsorption system. We must consider that water comes from the partial adsorption of humidity in the flow to be treated: systems for correction of relative humidity (DEC.RHC™) could be implemented for particular process conditions. Further recovered VOC drying processes may be applied: check available Advanced Dehydration Modules (DEC.ADM™).
Advanced safety and fire prevention, detection and suppression systems are available as options: check for our DEC.FPS™ process control modules.
DEC Solvent Recovery Units (SRUs) are available in both skid modular layout (DEC.SMS™ • Smart Modular Systems, pre-built and pre-tested at our workshops) or in full customizable version (DEC.CBS™ • Custom Built Systems, with on-site erection).
If you are looking for a reliable and efficient solvent recovery unit, DEC.SRUs™ (Solvent Recovery Units) are the right and best option: DEC.SRUs™ are the most advanced and reliable Solvent Recovery Units on the market, with processes, configurations and options to meet the needs of different applications, present and future challenges. Feel free to contact DEC: we can help you assess your needs and recommend the best SRU for your operation.