DEC.FBC™ • fluidized bed concentrators
DEC.FBC™ • fluidized bed concentrators
DEC.FBC™ (fluidized bed concentrator) is an industrial process for the treatment of exhaust air. The system uses a bed of adsorbent beads to adsorb volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the exhaust gas. Differently from the static-bed (DEC.SBC™) or rotor concentrators (DEC.RBC™), the FBC system forces the VOC-laden air (SLA) through several perforated steel trays, increasing the velocity of the air and allowing the sub-millimeter adsorbent beads to fluidize, or behave as if suspended in a liquid. This increases the surface area of the adsorbent-gas interaction, making it more effective at capturing VOCs.
The fluidized bed concentrator consists of five primary components: